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Invoke your Angels in 2022

Angels are one of the most well-known creatures in the Bible. They have been mentioned in many religions and cultures as well. They are usually depicted as winged beings who help humans with different tasks.

Angels are non-physical entities that exist in the spiritual realm and they come from different orders. Each order of angel has their own set of duties and skills, and some orders specialize in different tasks, such as healing and protection. Some orders of angels also have specific roles, such as archangels or seraphim.

Angels are found in many religious traditions. In Catholicism, they are the most revered of all the celestial beings as they are intermediaries between God and humans.

Angels may appear as a human, or in some shape-shifting form.

In Islam, Angels do not have a hierarchy and come to help those who pray to Allah.

In Judaism, there is no single belief about angels with some believing that they only exist as a part of God’s creations while others believe that angels have been created from one of the ten ranks.

In Theosophy, there are nine different types of Angels which correspond to nine different aspects of life on Earth including Health and Prosperity, Works and Successes etc.

Since the dawn of time, people have believed that angels are the heavenly messengers who were sent by God to help them on Earth. However, their presence is not limited to religious texts. They are found in other works of fiction like the Harry Potter series. And it’s not just by invoking them for help; humans can create their own guardian angels through positive thoughts and actions.

How Angels Can Be invoked?

Angels can be invoked to help humans with various tasks, from being a guardian angel to being a messenger from God. Angels can be invoked through prayer, and meditation. But you have to ask them to help you.

Meeting Your Angels Meditation


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  1. Mark

    Today a reader,tomorrow a leader!

  2. Mia moser

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  3. Brent B.

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