Psychic Readings


A psychic reading is a specific attempt to discern information through the use of heightened perceptive abilities; or natural extensions of the basic human senses of sight, sound, touch, taste and instinct. These natural extensions are claimed to be clairvoyance (vision), clairsentience (feeling), claircognisance (factual knowing) and clairaudience (hearing) and the resulting statements made during such an attempt. The term is commonly associated with paranormal-based consultation.

How Reading is Done?

In the Psychic Reading session, the information is accessed from different sources such as Angel cards, Karma Cards, Colors, Date of Birth and imprints form energy system. The Universe only provides the information that you need to know in the present to heal the situation. 

Types Of Readings

There are various kinds of Readings are available but the Readings we offer are listed below……👇

  • Intuitive Reading
  • Angel Cards  Reading
  • Soul Reading 
  • Akashic Reading
  • Karmic Reading

Basic Reading

The basic Reading includes, Angel Card reading, Numerology, Color interpretation and intuitive reading. All the areas will be covered in this Reading such as health, money, relationship, career, children, and Spiritual journey. All the information will be based on Spirituality. You also can consider this type of reading as a Spiritual Consultation.

Karmic Reading

Karmic Reading is a detailed Reading along with basic Reading. This reading for those who believe in Karma and open to receive insights about their Karmic journey. Karma is the most understood aspect of spiritual journey to enlightenment. Human life is based on Karmic cycles. The “Karmic Cycle,” then, refers to the patterns that your individual energy creates for you. 

When you create karmic energy (which you do all day, every day – more on that in a minute…), the energy must return to you, in the same way that when you toss a ball up in the air, it must come back down. Understanding this is important, because the cycle represents how the universe balances itself, through secondary laws like The Law of Attraction. When you think about it in this way, The Law of Attraction is a way of describing karmic cycles, since it says that you will receive what you focus on.