Karma Follows Wherever You Go
Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment, or reward, but reaping the harvest we have planted, through our thoughts and behaviors, we sow seeds that are later harvested. Karma follows wherever a person goes, there is no escape from it until you do not learn the lessons; associated with the situation.
When karma comes present in our lives, it is because we are being given the opportunity to reap our harvest. There is no such thing as a good harvest or a bad harvest. It is just our harvest. It is our opportunity to make different choices in life than those that caused our karmic accrual in the first place. Karma is at once the consequence of past actions and the opportunity for healing and balancing in the present. It is a balancing act that offers us chances through life circumstances, situations, and relationships to learn important spiritual lessons.
The effects of Karma may be evident either in the short term or in the long term. At death we have to leave everything behind- our property and our loved ones, but our Karma will accompany us like a shadow. The Buddha has said that nowhere on earth or in heaven can one escape one’s karma. So when the conditions are correct, the effects of karma will manifest themselves just as dependent on certain conditions like a mango will appear on a mango tree. We can see that even in the world of nature certain effects take longer to appear than others. If for instance, we plant the seed of a papaya, we will obtain the fruit of papaya, not anything else.
Our journey is all about Soul evolution.
- If our Soul is happy with our actions, it will help us to achieve whatever we want in our life. It will bless our lives with more happiness, financial abundance, good health, joy, and success in our life.
- If our soul is not happy with our actions, it can create blockages in our lives.
No one wants to suffer but still, one has to suffer. No one wants to die. Steve Jobs said it so wonderfully: “Even people who want to go to heaven, don’t want to die to get there.” We experience so much pain in this life when we lose something of value. Losing even smaller things such as jewelry, a phone or something else that you like a lot can cause you pain and disturbance. What to speak of losing a loved one which can leave us despairing for years? Death is that moment that rips us away from everything that we hold dear, all at once! It’s quite difficult to imagine how painful that must be.
We have to admit that no matter how close we are to someone, once the soul leaves the body, we’d prefer not to hang around the body for too long. The body has to go through all the pains physically, emotionally, and psychologically. The soul wears the body like cloth and discards it at the time of death.
Our life is based on Soul and Karma. Our Karma determines our life. Three types of energy exist in the Universe….gross material, subtle material, and spiritual. The gross material energy consists of earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The subtle material energy consists of mind, intelligence, and false ego. The spiritual energy consists of the soul and the Higher soul.
Now the question arises Can Karma be Healed?
Yes, karma can be healed with the understanding of the Law of Karma which is completely based on the Scientific law of Cause and Effect. When you learn lessons in certain areas you move on to the next journey. Patience, gratitude, love, and incorporating Universal laws can help you to live life peacefully. Karmic blueprints in the areas of Health, Money, Relationships, Career, and Spirituality need to be removed from your “Book of Life”. When you clear these karmic blueprints and ask for forgiveness from the Universe your life will be in harmony.