Soul Healing

The soul has the power to heal every area of our life. Soul healing is a holistic path to spiritual growth. Soul healing helps you expand your spiritual awareness, heal multi-lifetime karmic patterns and themes, build conscious connections with your spirit guides, develop loving soulmate relationships, and achieve personal and professional goals that are in alignment with your true life purpose and soul contracts.
Soul healing starts with the premise that this life is one life in a series of incarnations that focus on fulfilling specific soul contracts and learning specific soul lessons. True healing and worldly success come from knowing your soul’s original blueprint for your life and learning how to fulfill your soul contracts. While traditional psychotherapy works only with the present-life material, soul healing acknowledges the reality of past lives and heals the past-life karma that impacts current-life issues.
What The Soul Is?
The small atomic fragmental part of the Supreme Spirit is one with the Supreme. He undergoes no changes like the body. The body is subject to six kinds of transformations. From mother’s womb to Death, although the soul doesn’t go through these changes. The soul does not take birth and the soul does not die. He therefore has no past, present or future. The soul has no by-product either. The body develops because of the soul’s presence, but the soul has neither offshoots nor change. Therefore, the soul is free from the six changes of the body. The soul is full of knowledge, or full always of consciousness. Therefore, consciousness is the symptom of the soul.
This consciousness of the soul is, however, different from the consciousness of the Supreme because the supreme consciousness is all-knowledge—past, present, and future. There are two kinds of souls―namely the minute particle soul(anu-atma) and the Supersoul (the vibhu-atma). “Both the Supersoul [Paramatma] and the atomic soul [jivatma] are situated on the same tree of the body within the same heart of the living being, and only one who has become free from all material desires as well as lamentations can, by the grace of the Supreme, understand the glories of the soul.”

Who Suffers Body or Soul?

No one wants to suffer but still, we have to suffer. No one wants to die. Steve Jobs said it so wonderfully: “Even people who want to go to heaven, don’t want to die to get there.” We experience so much pain in this life when we lose something of value. Losing even smaller things such as jewelry, a phone or something else that you like a lot can cause you pain and disturbance.
What to speak of losing a loved one which can leave us despairing for years? Death is that moment that rips us away from everything that we hold dear, all at once! It’s quite difficult to imagine how painful that must be. We have to admit that no matter how close we are to someone, once the soul leaves the body, we’d prefer not to hang around the body for too long.
The body has to go through all the pains physically, emotionally, and psychologically. The soul wears the body like a cloth and discards it at the time of death.
Human suffering comes from the denial of divine nature, lack of appreciation of our connection to all things, our resistance to impermanence, and our addictions and attachments to things that only bring temporary relief. You want everything to remain the same. You don’t accept that everything is temporary. Life moves in cycles generating new life and yes, death, and nothing will stop that universal movement. Accepting that everything that exists is only temporary allows you to release your attachment to things, people, and even to your definition of yourself. This is how you continue to learn and evolve.
Soul Journey
Our life is based on Soul and Karma. Our Karma determines our life. Three types of energy exist in the Universe….gross material, subtle material, and spiritual. The gross material energy consists of earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The subtle material energy consists of the mind, intelligence, and false ego. The spiritual energy consists of the soul and the Higher soul
The presence of the soul in any living entity is indicated by consciousness. Although we cannot actually see the soul, we can see its symptoms. We cannot see electricity but when we see an illuminated light globe we can see the symptom of the presence of electricity. Similarly, when we see consciousness we see the symptom of the soul.
Any material body inhabited by a soul will undergo changes. It will be created, it will grow, it will produce by-products [offspring], it will dwindle and ultimately it will die.

What Is Soul Healing?

Soul healing is very intense healing when you are willing to accept the full responsibility; the energy you are carrying is your karmic patterns to heal and you are not a victim to what happens in life. Soul healing means you are looking not just at your story in this life, but also at all the soul history your being carries that contributes to where you are now. Soul healing requires an open mind and faith in energy healing.
Collectively we are living in a time where we are asked to heal our wounds not just in the energy body or history in this life, but to heal on the soul level. When you are recycling wounds and patterns it is so important to go to the next level and look at what your soul is carrying into this life and clear those karmic blueprints. In our center, Soul Healing is done with the Soul Symbol and Soul Code.
Our Uniqueness In Soul Healing?
Soul Healing is an intensive and deeper level of healing. Soul healing is done with Soul Symbol and Soul Code. Many miracles have been seen in the Soul healing sessions. Jasz is one of the enlightened and awakened spiritual seekers on this planet who is blessed with Soul Symbol and Soul Code.
“I had couple of Soul Healing sessions with Jasz and was amazed about the information she accessed from my Soul history. Now I have understanding about the questions I was looking for long and not blaming anyone for the situations I have gone through. I really appreciate her work and would like to say she is really a Gifted and Enlightened soul and highly recommend her if you are looking for true insight.” Gloria Bahua