Soul Evolution
Soul has the power to heal all areas of our life. In Soul Evolution program, Soul blocks of Money, Relationships, Business, Health, and Spirituality will be unblocked. Soul healing helps you expand your spiritual awareness, heal multi-lifetime karmic patterns and themes, build conscious connections with your spirit guides, develop loving soulmate relationships, and achieve personal and professional goals that are in alignment with your True Self and your soul’s path. Put simply, psychotherapy is about fixing what is broken and soul healing is about expanding into your potential and fulfilling your highest destiny.
How Soul can help with physical, mental or emotional conditions?
All healing and sickness begins at the soul level. This concept is recognized by many ancient and modern healing modalities. At the soul level, there is a spiritual reason for everything that occurs in our lives.
Blockages can occur in our physical body causing pain and illness, in our mental body causing stress and other issues, in our emotional body creating unbalanced emotions and in the spiritual body creating blockages to our spiritual journey.
Human Life is all about Soul Evolution. When you learn your lessons you will go to next level. If your connection is stronger with your soul, Soul will bless you and help you to grow.
Can Soul healing help with physical illness?
Yes of course. The root of all illness experienced by the body is some problem at the Soul level. Either caused by our past karmas in previous lives or in this life. When Universal Energy is brought to the Soul – immediately these problems begin to be fixed – and the corresponding body/physical problems begin to be resolved.
Our body is constantly changing: infancy, childhood, youth, middle age, old age, and finally death. But we, the unchangeable soul, witness this “virtual reality” from within. That’s why, even though our body changes throughout life, we always keep our sense of identity.
Matter is temporary, and spirit is eternal. Therefore we eternal souls are more important than our bodies. To understand this point is real knowledge.
The relationship between Soul, Mind, and Body
The soul interacts with mind and body constantly. Inside the body, every organ, body part, and cell has a soul, but the soul is the boss, directing the transformation of matter inside the cell and energy in the space around the cell.
This relationship is essential to understand because it also explains that the Soul holds the secret to healing and transforming every aspect of life. This includes not just our health, but also any difficulties in relationships, business, finance, and more. Soul Evolution program will help you to grow your connection stronger with your Soul.

Soul is Eternal

According to Shri Bhagvad Gita, As a person sheds worn-out garments and wears new ones, likewise, at the time of death, the soul casts off its worn-out body and enters a new one.
Weapons cannot slay the soul, nor can fire burn it. Water cannot wet it, nor can the wind dry it.
The soul is unbreakable and incombustible; it can neither be dampened nor dried. It is everlasting, in all places, unalterable, immutable, and primordial.
The soul is spoken of as invisible, inconceivable, and unchangeable. Knowing this, you should not grieve for the body.
Death is certain for one who has been born, and rebirth is inevitable for one who has died. Therefore, you should not lament over the inevitable.
Soul And Reincarnation

The cosmic principle of reincarnation, with its dynamism of the law of karma (cause and effect, sowing and reaping), is a time-honored doctrine, embraced by the Hindus, Buddhists, the ancient Druid priests, the Essenes and Gnostics and many early Christian theologians; and also, eminent philosophers of the East and West.
Though for centuries it has been divorced by church orthodoxy from the common understanding of Jesus’ life and teachings, reincarnation is in fact evident in many passages in both the Old and New Testaments, including unequivocal statements by Jesus himself. For example, from the Book of Revelation (3:12): “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out.”
Here Jesus distinctly refers to the doctrine of reincarnation, saying that when a soul overcomes by spiritual discipline his mortal desires accrued through contact of matter, that soul becomes a pillar of immortality in the everlasting mansion of Cosmic Consciousness; and, having found fulfillment of all his desires in Spirit, that soul has no more to be reborn on earth through the karmic reincarnating force of unsatisfied desires. [“Understanding of the law of karma and of its corollary, reincarnation, is displayed in numerous Biblical passages; e.g., ‘Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed’ (Genesis 9:6).]
soul can bless us and block us
If our Soul is happy with our actions, it will help us to achieve whatever we want in our life. It will bless our life with more happiness, financial abundance, good health, joy, and success in our life. In contrast, if our soul is not happy with our actions, it can create blockages in our life.
How Soul Evolution program will work?
7 sessions
1 Cleansing Session
1 Chakra Healing and Balancing Session
1 Soul Activation Session along with Chakra Healing
2 Soul Healing Sessions (2 Chakra Healing Sessions included)
Our Uniqueness in Soul evolution
Soul healing is done with Soul Symbol and Soul Code. Many miracles have seen in the Soul healing sessions. Dr. Jasz is one of the Enlightened spiritual seekers on this planet who is blessed with Soul Symbol and Soul Code. Miracles do happen in the Soul Healing Sessions.
What Happy Souls Say about the soul Evolution Program?
“I had a couple of Soul Healing sessions with Jasz and was amazed about the information she accessed from my Soul history. Now I have understanding about the questions I was looking for long and not blaming anyone for the situations I have gone through. I really appreciate her work and would like to say she is really a Gifted and Enlightened soul and highly recommend her if you are looking for true insight.” Gloria Bahua
“When I found Divine Order Healing Centre and Jasz, I had just been informed of a very serious health diagnosis. I was is turmoil but it is by God’s grace that I was lead to Jasz. She has helped me to heal myself, mind, body and soul. My recent follow up with my doctors showed amazing and positive progress.
I am so thankful that I have found Jasz who has supported me in so many ways on my healing journey. There really aren’t any words to express my gratitude to her and her assistance in my journey to a better self. She is very kind and very knowledgeable. She is so professional and is truly a gift to this world”. Marie