
Please be patient with your Appointment request. It may take a day or two to process the request. All appointments are subject to change. In case of an urgent appointment or any question about the service please email or call. Sessions can be taken online and in-person. If you are booking from another city/country please note all appointments will be scheduled according to our local time.

If you are not sure which session you need to book take a quiz below to find the right one. 

Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing session includes diagnose of chakras, aura cleansing Chakra healing and balancing. If Chakras are balanced, a person can attract good health, wealth and happiness.

Soul Healing

Soul Evolution

Soul Healing is advance level therapy in which information can be accessed from the Soul about the current situation. The session includes 2 Sessions – Chakra Healing + Soul Healing.

Past Life Regression

past life regression

Past Life Regression session gives the clarity of the current sufferings. It is said when you see your past the problem itself heals. Session follows with Future Life Regression.



Reiki session helps to relax and heal the physical body.

EFT works well for those who have stress, depression, anxiety,  emotional disturbance, trauma etc. 

Root Chakra Activation

Root chakra

Root Chakra session includes Diagnose of chakras, healing and balancing and activation of the Root Chakra. Root chakra activation is required to attract financial abundance, get rid of fears, insecurities, and release toxic energies. 

Cord Cutting

Cord cutting

Cord cutting session includes chakra toning and cords cutting from the toxic energies you may have absorbed from the toxic and abusive relationships which creates imbalance in life.

Heart Chakra Healing

Heart chakra

Heart Chakra needs to be healed because of stuck emotions due to broken relationships, divorce, unforgiveness, guilt, anger, grief, and child abuse (physical and mental). Session includes consultation, chakra healing and balancing and Heart Chakra clearing. 

karma Healing Session

Karma Cleansing and Healing

Karma Healing Session includes Karmic Reading, Aura Cleansing and Karma Cleansing/Healing session. This is the deeper cleansing session. 

Chakra Awakening


Chakra awakening program has 7 sessions. Sessions include Aura cleansing, Chakra diagnose, Chakra Healing and Balancing and Chakra Awakening. Chakras need to be awakened because energies are dormant in the chakras. 

Soul Evolution

Real Story Of Near Death Experience-Power Of Soul Healing

Soul Evolution includes 7 sessions. This is the deeper level of healing of the soul. Chakra Awakening program is included in the soul evolution. Aura cleansing, Chakra diagnose, Chakra healing and balancing, Cord cutting, Soul healing and Soul Activation is included.

Kids Wellness

Kids wellness

We work with kids (4-15 yrs.) to heal them physically, mentally and spiritually so that they can use their full potential. 

5 Day Energy Detox Challenge


This is self healing 5 day challenge to detoxify your body and soul. You will be guided step by step cleansing process. This is self paced program.

Coaching/Mentoring Program

spiritual teachings

Short term and long term coaching and mentoring programs available to achieve your health, financial, relationship, career and spiritual goals.

Let us help you to find the right service

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