Reversal Therapy (RT)

Reversal Therapy

What Is Reversal Therapy?

Reversal Therapy addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being of the individual, suggesting that energy blockages in one field are reflected in all fields. The therapy is based on the polarity of the mind which suggests that all forms and processes arise from a universal source of life force energy and like the function of the atom, all life energies revolve around a neutral core, reflecting attraction and repulsion as well as positive and negative action and reactions.

Human mind is like a Magnet 🧲 which is based on the principles of attraction and repulsion. Just think about the magnet if magnet is aligned it attracts and if not it repels. The same thing happens with the human mind. If you want to heal any disease or situation first you have to change the polarity of the mind then you can have desired results.

How Does Reversal Therapy Work?

Reversal Therapy (RT) works on a 🗼Polarity Model 🗼. Like the magnet, 🧲 we need to align the frequencies in mind first to make changes in life and get the results. There is always a REVERSE button 🕹 in the mind which needs to be activated 🔆. Once this button is activated it repels all the negative and unsupported thoughts automatically. Your mind only would accept positive messages and suggestions given to it. And you will see only positive things even in negative situations.

Health, wealth, happiness
Techniques used in Reversal Therapy
Spiritual Consultation

✅ Sacred Sound 🔔 – Sacred sound will be introduced to you to change the lower frequency of the physical body.

✅ Mantra 🔔 – A very powerful Mantra will be given which works like a Miracle and helps to repel negative thoughts instantly.

✅ Chakra Toning ☸️ Chakra toning will be done with the sacred seed sounds for free flow of energy. (Chakra Toning is different from Chakra Healing and Balancing Sessions)

✅ Soul Retrieval Sessions. 🦄

✅ Color Healing breathing 🧘🏻 exercises to match the frequencies with Chakra frequencies.

✅ Limiting Beliefs clearing session. 🛠 

What Are Limiting beliefs?

Alimiting belief is a state of mind, conviction, or belief that you think to be true that limits you in some way. This limiting belief could be about you, your interactions with other people, or with the world and how it works. Limiting beliefs can have a number of negative effects on you. They could keep you stuck from making good choices, attracting new opportunities, or reaching your potential. Ultimately, limiting beliefs can keep you stuck in a negative state of mind and hinder you from living the life you truly desire. Reversal Therapy will help you to clear liming beliefs.

Examples of Limiting Beliefs-

  • “I can’t tell the truth because I may get judged…”
  • “I don’t want to get close to this person lest my heart gets broken…”
  • “I don’t want to ask for what I want because, what if I get rejected?”
  • “I can’t trust people because I’ve been betrayed before…”
  • “I can’t pursue my dreams because I don’t know what I’d do if I fail…”
  • I can’t do this…….I can’t do that……..


Causes of Limiting beliefs?

Education-Education plays a major role in forming limiting beliefs, too. Whether you’re learning from family, teachers, or friends, they all have an impact on what you adopt as truth. This is because they’re both in a position of authority and constantly sharing information, ideas, and beliefs about how the world works.

Family Beliefs-Growing up, your parents likely had morals and values they tried to instill in you. These often stemmed from their own familial beliefs and ideas about how both you and the world should be. It could be things such as what career paths you should take, how to behave, and how to engage with others.

Experiences-When you make decisions or have experiences in life, it is common for you to draw conclusions afterward. If, for example, you fall in love and it ends in heartbreak, you might conclude that love always ends in pain.

These sorts of negative experiences, in particular, can strongly shape your limiting beliefs. It’s important to remember that the conclusions you come to after bad experiences happen are only valid temporarily.


Who This Therapy Is For?

👉🏾 This therapy works miraculously for those who are spiritually mature (spiritually mature means faith in Energy healing, open to learn, not having complaining attitude towards life).

👉🏾 Ready to take actions.

👉🏾 Do exactly what you are being told to do.

👉🏾 Persistently participate in the sessions.

👉🏾 Winner attitude not a quitter.

Uses Of Reversal Therapy

Reversal Therapy can be used in the following areas 👇👇👇

🌻 Health Issues 🌻

💰Finances 💰

👨‍🏫 Business 👨‍🏫

👩‍❤️‍👨 Relationships 👩‍❤️‍👨

🤣 Happiness 🤣

🎨 Creativity 🎨

🧘🏻 Spirituality 🧘🏻


Duration and Delivery Of The Program

Reversal Therapy (RT) program includes 12 sessions that can be done according to the need of the person. Once a week session is preferred. Completion time is 3 months.

3 Months (12 Sessions)

Session can be done over phone, zoom and in-person

Online or In-person


Does this therapy work for me?

Divine nature

I have heard many people saying “this thing did not work for me, that program didn’t work for me etc. etc.” I would like to explain this situation this way- Sun gives light to everyone without any discrimination including animal and plant kingdom. This sunlight nourishes everyone equally. That is upto the person if person likes the sunlight or not.

We all are different in nature and behaviours. Some may like sunlight, some may not. Some may like the winter season, some may not. Here Sun is not at fault if a person do not like its bright sunlight. Likewise, everyone’s environment and situations are different and it matters a lot what kind of energy you have picked up from your environment.

What kind of limiting beliefs do you have that you have never healed? This therapy works the same way if you use the same methods and techniques that are being taught to you and if you use it persistently definitely it works. If still you think things do not work for you it means more learnings are there to learn.