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Miracles Of Numbers


Miracles Of Numbers

Numbers are a fundamental part of our lives. Numbers are also present in everything that surrounds us and in every creation of the universe, in our date of birth, nature, and even our thoughts. Miracles of numbers can be harnessed to improve our lives and make them better.

There are many spiritual beliefs and practices where a person views the numbers as symbolic representations of non-physical dimensions. Angel numbers, for instance, have been regarded as a signpost to enlightenment by some.

An individual can interpret what a certain number means to them based on the symbols, patterns and objects they find while they are creating the number out of pie crust pieces with puzzle cut-outs. The interpretations may differ between people and their perceived meanings will vary according to: time in history, dreams that invoked it, personal experiences happening in real time etc.

In New Age thought, numbers are playing a big role in our lives. Most of people are seeing numbers like 111, 11:11, 333, 444 etc. which is the sign that Universe is communicating to us. The angel number 7 often appears when spirituality is at its peak. The number 3 represents peace and balance, while 4 has a meaning related to patience and harmony. There are also meanings associated with each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. For more information on what each one may mean to you, these messages from your angels can provide guidance on how to interpret your experience.

Date Of Birth and Spiritual Connection


Have you ever thought why you are born with a specific date of birth? what is the spiritual connection between the numbers and your life? The reason for that is the lessons you have to learn in life. As each number represents a certain areas such as health, money, happiness, creativity, children, relationships and career. Some numbers will be missing in your date of birth astrologically. Noone is born with all of the numbers 1-9.

Numbers can take a common meaning or be a random sequence but in most cases numbers have intended use. Here is the miracle of numbers:

Numbers Meanings:

One – as unity, solitary, first

Two – diversity, division even-sided oppositeness, conflict conjoinment

Three – trinity connection balance integration harmony representation completion

Four – foundation creation boundary limit boundary allotment

Five – ideas mental communication gift transmission influence creativeness manifestation

Six – creation secrets underneath transparency insight revelation intuition foreshadowing prophecy

Seven – awareness excitement discovery reincarnation mystery determination exploration denial dissolution

Eight – infinity commitment endurance patience introspection observation indulgence growth resiliency regeneration eternity duality extension demanding egoistic ambition enrichment grace charity foundations of order against chaos balance with destruction contemplation proliferation

Nine – last number in the number system which represents the ending, completion.

Difference between Numerology and Activation of Numbers

Miracles of Numbers

A numerologist’s job entails dividing a number by different integers to find an issue the number might be addressing. The job of an activation of numbers is to work out how much extra energy a specific number produces when it aligns or interacts with other numbers in your personal graph. Numbers have been used to predict future events and support important decisions for thousands of years. They are widely used in astrology, philosophy, science and mathematics.

Numerology compares numbers with the letters of the alphabet to let us see their intrinsic value and which qualities they share. It doesn’t give concrete new information but rather unlocks access to insights potentially hidden from our conscious minds. Miracles of numbers can be known through a deep understanding of the numbers.

Activation of numbers is a term which is not much known in the world. Dr. Jasz Koray has coined the term Activation of Wealth and Happiness Code after long time research about numbers. She has discovered the processes and methods to activate the numbers spiritually and when these numbers are activated in a person’s consciousness he starts receiving more blessings and unlocks the wealth code.

Numbers need to be Activate

Activate Wealth and Happiness Code

Each number has it’s own meaning and energies which are dormant in these numbers. We need to activate the blessings and powers of these numbers to get the best out of these numbers. While doing my research on numbers I discovered some interesting facts that when these numbers are active in our consciousness we will decode energies associated with the numbers. Numbers can be activated in the consciousness through a spiritual method. Activate Happiness and Wealth Code program is one of our most loved programs.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sarah Sana

    I appreciate your thoughts on this.

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