Mental Engineering

When an engineer sets out to build a bridge or design a building, he approaches the problem with a known familiar technique and set of practised skills and methods. These techniques and methods must be learned. In the same way, there are recognized techniques, skills and methods for governing, controlling and directing your life.
In building the Golden Gate Bridge, the engineers first had to understand mathematical principles, stresses and strains. Second, they developed in their minds a visualization the ideal bridge across the bay. The third step was the application of tried and proven methods by which the principles were implemented. When these three steps were completed, the bridge took form and generations of motorists began to drive across it.
The term Engineering means the use of scientific principles to design and build machines, structures, and other items, including bridges, tunnels, roads, vehicles, and buildings. The same way Mental Engineering is the creative application of scientific and spiritual principles and techniques to design your life which is based on a certain habits and programming of the mind. Habits of mind are traits or ways of thinking that affect how a person looks at the world or reacts to a challenge.
A person lives for 3 motives: Body, Mind and Soul
Physical Level (Body)
On the physical level, all the basic needs should be met. You should have access to nutritious food, clothing and shelter and for this you have to have money. To fulfill all the physical needs nature has given us a tools in the form of Universal Laws. When these laws are used properly, nature definitely rewards us.
Mental Level (Mind)
On the Mental level, to nurture your mind and explore new things through mind power you need to buy books, invest in self growth and personal development programs to cull out the hidden potential. To discover the hidden potential in you, you need to use Mental Plane.
This is the plane when we operate from the Higher consciousness. There is only one Universal Mind and we all are the part of that mind. To achieve goals and desired outcome we need to tap into the energy of the Universal Mind.
Soul Level (Soul)
On the Soul level, if all the needs are met on the physical and mental level then you have to nourish and grow your soul. Soul growth helps you to go to the Higher Realm after completing your journey on the physical plane.
For all these three motives, application of scientific and spiritual principles and proper use of mind power can help you to achieve all the riches of life. To achieve all the goals in your life, which part of the mind should be used and how it can be used this is more important.
What Is Mental engineering?
Mental Engineering is about discovering the Mind Power and the use of Mental Plane. Mental Plane is the higher plane of Consciousness when it is used wisely along with the Universal Laws on the physical plane you will be able to heal any situation and manifest easily the life you want on the physical plane. Yes, any situation and condition such as health, finances, relationships, career can be healed with the power of Subconscious Mind.

What you Focus on you will attract
Mind Power is directing your thoughts towards a desired outcome. Focus on success and you attract success. Focus on fear and failure and you attract failure. Mind Power is understanding these principles and making our thoughts work for us. Your thoughts are the primary creative forces in your life. Use them consciously and you will awaken to a whole new life of power and opportunity
Subconscious Mind
We all know we have a subconscious, but for most of us, our knowledge of it ends there. Your subconscious mind is a second, hidden mind that exists within you. It interprets and acts upon the predominating thoughts that reside within your conscious mind, and its goal is to attract circumstances and situations that match the images you have within. Mental Engineering program will help to awaken the subconscious mind.
We Reap What We Sow

Subconscious mind works as incredibly fertile soil that will grow any seed you plant in it. Your habitual thoughts and beliefs are seeds that are being constantly sown. Just as corn kernels produce corn and wheat seeds produce wheat, the contents of your thoughts will have an effect in your life. You will reap what you sow; this is a law of cause and effect.
Your conscious mind is like the gardener that tends to the soil. It’s your responsibility to be aware of how this process works, choosing wisely what reaches the inner garden — your subconscious. For most, our role as gardener has never been explained. By not knowing this role, we have allowed seeds of all types – good and bad – to enter our subconscious.
The subconscious doesn’t discriminate, judge, or censor. It will manifest success, abundance, and health just as easily as failure, ill health, and misfortune. Your subconscious accepts what is impressed upon it with feeling and repetition, whether these thoughts are positive or negative. It does not evaluate things like your conscious mind does. This is why it is so important to be aware of what you are thinking.
How Program Would Work?
Mental Engineering has been divided in 3 parts
1) Creative Scientific Principles 2) Raising Physical Vibrations 3) Mind Power
Creative Principles
Success in our life is based on these creative principles when you apply these principles you will attract positive results. A research was done in 1900 on these principles that those people who have used these principles became rich and successful. According to these principles riches do not come to a person because of luck, anyone who will use these principles will become rich and successful.
Raise Your Vibrations
Everything in the Universe vibrates on a certain frequencies. Every person has his/her own vibrations which can be low or high. If you have to struggle a lot to get the things done it means your vibration is low and on the contrary if you get things easily means you are vibrating on a higher frequency. To raise the vibrations first you need to clear all the fears, insecurities and trauma from your Root Chakra which is very powerful Chakra.
Mind Power
Law of the Mind which supersedes all the Laws. If you do not use this law along with Universal Laws; it may slower your progress. > Understanding the Conscious Mind and Unconscious Mind. > Clearing out the Mental Waste. Now you might be thinking what the heck Mental waste is? Mental waste gets deposited in the conscious mind in the form of doubts, fears, insecurities, worries, indecisiveness, procrastination and negative thoughts that need to be cleared. Technique to open the Subconscious Mind which is the storehouse of all the memories and mental powers.
Program requirements
Duration of the program
3-6 months
Delivery of the Program
In-person Or Online
Pre-requiste – Completion of Master Your Destiny Program/Karmic Healing Coaching Program
Case Study
“I have a stomach ulcer for long and pain is unbearable sometimes, couldn’t sleep well, health was getting worse, mental state started becoming unstable. I had lost all the hope about life. One of my friend advised me to go for energy healing and hopped up to Divine Order Healing Centre’s website. I found most of the information was very fascinating about the Laws, Soul and Karma. I started my sessions with Jasz and the way she explained about the life situations; I was very impressed and understood the term of energy healing.
In 4 months, I could see the difference in my physical health and improvement in mental health. Now more than a year, still I am working with Jasz and this is one of the best investment I have made in my life to educate myself. She is really a gifted person and I would like to have her my Spiritual Mentor forever as she is a genuine, intellectual, knowledgeable and Enlightened being and put lots of efforts into the sessions. I am grateful that I could learn the Laws of nature and Mind power”. Robert McNeil, Lawyer