Master Your Destiny
Learn, Heal And Grow
What If You Get The Formula Of Life?
Life Would Be Very Easy If You Know all the Formulas that apply to Money, Relationship, Success, Health, And Abundance. Right?
We Are The Creator Of Our Life
Napoleon Hill has beautifully said,” you can Master Your Destiny. You can influence, direct and control your own environment. You can make your life what you want it to be.”

God has given us the power to create the life we want. No one is responsible for a human’s sufferings, we are the creator of our own life. Some people complain, “Why God is doing this to me?” Remember, God has created everyone equally then why a person’s life is different from others, the reason is we all have different lessons to learn and these lessons are purely based on a scientific law “Cause and Effect”.
Every cause has equal and opposite reaction. Our actions determine our life.. If you are not satisfied with the results you are getting in your life, these are the effects of the previous causes and these effects can be changed by understanding and causing new conditions.
There are 3 motives for which we live. We live for the body, mind, and soul. None of these is better or holier than the other; all are alike desirable, and no one of the three-body, mind or soul can live fully if either of the others is cut short of full life and expression. It is not right or noble to live only for the Soul and deny mind or body; and it is wrong to live for the intellect and deny body or soul.
Necessity of Master Your Destiny Program
The Entire World Is In A Chaos And Needs Renovation
We are living in a world of chaos, unrest, sickness, and uncertainty. Whereas the advancement of science and technology is making life easy, however it is also giving rise to other problems such as physical and mental issues, broken relationships, impatience, frustration, unhappiness, financial crisis, and many more……all this is happening because of human intervention in nature which is causing spiritual degradation. Now the question is how we can fix this chaos?
To fix this problem we need to adopt new age thinking and two sides of us VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE (Science and Spirituality). Science is the visible and spirituality is invisible side. When visible and invisible is combined it becomes “INVINCIBLE”. Let me explain what does that mean? Look at the the nature i.e. tree, plants, soil these are the visible side of nature but roots grow beneath the soil which is invisible side and the growth of the tree depends on the strength of the roots.
Physical body is visible but the mind and soul is invisible. Anything invisible on the planet that is more powerful. All the great things happen inside only, just like a child is born inside the womb of mother. Nature has its set pattern much like humans do as well as animals. To transform our life we have to change ourselves from inside and activate invisible power which remains dormant until it is activated.

All Tools In One Box

To solve any situation, first, we should have proper understanding that why we are having certain situations. To understand the situation knowledge of human life is required, and to understand human life, it is necessary to know that how nature and universe works, then we would be able to solve the puzzle of life.
We all have certain goals that we want to achieve in our life such as healthy life, financial abundance, fulfilling relationships, successful career, and peaceful life. But sometimes opposite of it happens, a person has to go through a lot of struggles, and turmoils. and we are unable to understand that why a human being tend to suffer? But the reality is that we are here on the physical plane to learn some lessons and grow spiritually.
To achieve these goals, Nature has given us some wonderful formulas. If we apply them correctly, our life will definitely be blessed. The Master your Destiny program is fully equipped with all the necessary tools, and techniques that cover all areas of human life. You will get the complete LIFE TOOL BOX which you can use anytime whenever you need it. The program has 3 parts:
- Learn laws and principles that govern human life. (Rewriting your life story)
- Heal spiritual treatment for money, health, happiness, and abundance
- Grow. Application, Activation and Violation of the natural laws.
Mindset Training: Mindset training is included in the program. To write a new life story you need to erase the previous one. The techniques used in the mindset training are completely a new technique which is very easy to follow but very effective.
In Learn part, you will learn those powerful laws and principles that govern everything in the Universe. Our life is never perfect but we can make it better by understanding the Universe and by applying the formulas and techniques that Nature has provided us. Nothing comes outside of nature such as food, clothes, building material, electricity, water, even money. Nature is full of abundance and secrets, you need to learn the techniques tapping into that energy.
The Master Your Destiny has 12 sections:
- Ignorance to Understanding
You will learn the Alchemy of laws. What these laws and principles are and how the whole Universe is governed by these principles. When the first law was breached by the human being and what happened?
2. Power To Create Your Destiny
This section will give you the understanding of God’s role and an individual’s role to play in life and how Universe has given us the power to create and change our Destiny.
3) The Law that Operates everything, human life, cosmos, galaxy, plant and animal life.
This is very important lesson which will give you the complete understanding about the whole Universe. You will learn why people have low energy and vibrations and the Recipe of Law Of Attraction and Manifestation process will be taught.
4) Blessings in Disguise
This principle will teach you to get rid of complaining nature that cause more blockages in life and the application of this principle will help you to live in harmony and peace to attract happiness and abundance.
5) Heal Health (Physical, Emotional and Mental)
In this section, you will learn to unblock the blockages and lift heaviness from your Heart Chakra. You will learn to lift the heavy baggage from your mind, body and soul. Technique to heal the heart chakra will be introduced.
6) Stalker In Your Life
Understanding the law which is in play all the time 24×7 in our life and has no escape, and shortcut of this law. clearing the misunderstanding of the fact when people say that they are cursed, jinxed and punished. If you are not happy with the results that you are getting in the present, this law will teach you to change the present circumstances.
7) Understanding of Relationship Principles
This principle will give you new insight about the behaviour and nature of human being. Why people are negative, fearful, impatient and others are opposite. You will learn to deal with the two sides of a human being.
8) Developing Connection with the Universe
The law, Albert Einstein used in his inventions. This is the secret about the Universe that how you can access the information from the womb of the Nature. Nature reveals the secrets to those who are ready to discover about life.
9) Turn Failure Into Success
This principle will help you to understand the repeated patterns which happen in life and the ways to get rid of these patterns. The application of this law will free you from these patterns.
10) Embrace Hidden Side Of You
This law exists on every plane i.e. physical, mental and spiritual. To create balance in your life you need to activate this law. This law will teach you to embrace the hidden side of you. The principle will help you to discover genius in you.
11) The Law That Operates Economy And Money (Four Pillar Of Money)
Financial advisor teaches you to manage the money you earn but this law will teach you how to attract infinite abundance that you deserve. This is one of the most amazing law which will give you complete understanding of economy and money. You will learn to break the vicious circle of scarcity mindset. Why people suffer financially and how you can claim your share of abundance from this infinite abundance of Universe. Money laws will teach you to attract more opportunities, clear abundance blocks and attract unexpected money. If you will follow the techniques you will never run out of money, for those who are already in abundance would be able to open new doors for more abundance.
12) Be A Master Of Your Fate and Captain Of Your Soul
In this section you will learn why you have got certain situations in your life and how to be in peace with past events. Understanding of this law will open new opportunities in your life.
In Heal Part, You will clear the blockages that you have at present with Spiritual Treatment.
What is Spiritual Treatment?
This is the ancient way of healing which is called spiritual treatment, the technique Dr. Jasz discovered is different from other techniques and very effective. You can understand the difference between energy healing and spiritual treatment by imagining a Doctor’s office and a operation theater. In Doctor’s office, you are physically checked, diagnosed, and given prescription but in the operation theater, the room is equipped with all the necessary devices, tools and experts. Likewise, special techniques are used in the spiritual treatment. We need spiritual treatment from time to time to heal the mind, body and soul. You will be guided through the process how to change the lower frequency to a higher frequency to attract more abundance.
In Grow Part, Activation, Application and Violation of all the principles will be taught that would help you to design your life.
Root Chakra Treatment
Root Chakra is very powerful chakra which is associated with the survival needs on the physical plane and it should be healed and balanced to attract abundance. When Root chakra is balanced we feel stable, safe, supported and grounded.
Who This Program Is For?
Master your Destiny program is for those who want to improve their quality of life, heal themselves, attract abundance and grow personally, professionally and spiritually. Anyone from all walks of life can join the program. We already have helped social workers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers, nurses, psychologists, administrators, coaches, accountants and entrepreneurs.
Delivery Of The Program
Master Your Destiny is 12 weeks group coaching program available twice a year
Who will be teaching the program?

Dr. Jasz Koray is the founder of Divine Order Healing Centre. She has been serving humanity for more than 20 years as a Spiritual Scientific Coach/Healer/Mentor/Teacher and Researcher. She is also the author of a book “Abundant Life-Small Efforts Can Change Your Life”.
Over the years, Dr. Jasz has discovered many hidden secrets about human life from the womb of Nature and developed very powerful techniques to heal mind, body and soul which is the combination of Science and Spirituality.
She says, science is not separate from spirituality; Nature helps us to invent something new for human advancement. Master Your Destiny, and Activate Happiness and Wealth programs are one of these secrets and most loved mentoring program which covers all areas of human life.
Case Studies
Maria cured her Cancer!
Maria was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 40. Her world was shattered when she came to know about it and she started searching for the answers why this happened to her. She was thinking that God has punished her for her mistakes. But without any delay she immediately started seeking spiritual help along with medical treatment. She booked a soul healing session in our centre. Dr. Jasz Koray made her understand why a human gets these kind of situations and helped her to bring her out of the mental agony and started the spiritual treatment.
Maria joined Master your Destiny program and learned the techniques and understood the reality of the life that this is not a punishment but a spiritual lessons which we all have to learn then she started healing herself. After couple of spiritual treatments when she went for regular checkup she was told by her doctor that the cyst she had started shrinking. Maria knew how it happened because of her faith and the techniques she used.
Julia got 2 promotions within two months!
Julia is one of the souls who started her spiritual journey at very early age of 24 and still investing continuously in her spiritual growth because she has seen big shifts in her personal and professional life. Julia came in 2020 and was unsure what she needs to heal but she knew it there is something inside her that needs to be healed and addressed.
Julia’s life completely changed after joining Master Your Destiny program, she had some deep hidden emotions about the relationships which she picked up from her environment in her childhood. She started applying all the techniques which she had learned during the coaching program and within a short span of time she had seen major changes in her. As Julia incorporating the tools and techniques in her everyday’s routine she started attracting good people, more money and opportunities in her life.
Another big shift happened in her professional life when she got promoted in her company from a service advisor to Assistant service Manager where she was stuck there for years. She continued working on her and another miracle happened within a month of her promotion when a new position was created for her in the company and she became Manager. She is applying money laws in everyday’s life, unblocked blockages in career and also recently she bought a brand new car. Universe is rewarding her for her time, effort and investment.
Lindsay healed her frozen shoulders!
Lindsay had 28 surgeries and 3-4 near death experiences in her life. She was surprised why she has got these situations and how to heal them. She was a regular visitor in doctor’s office, chiropractors, physiotherapist, massage therapists, counsellors for her frozen shoulders and hardly could have raised her arms up. The aches and pains were not letting her sleep at night.
She booked a session with Dr. Jasz hoping to get answers for her questions. The moment she started the Master your Destiny program she could understand the reasons for her situations. During the program she cracked the code for her frozen shoulders that how one of her unhealed emotion was stuck there and making her shoulders stiff day by day, the moment she released that emotion she started healing her situation and finally was able to raise her arms up. Lindsay says it’s never too late to start learning even at 75 which she did.
What Other Happy Souls Say About The Program!
“I am so grateful and happy to learn the secrets of the Universe. Master Your Destiny is sooooo amazing program I wish I would have had this kind of knowledge 20 years ago, my life would have been completely different.
But no regrets it’s never late, I am grateful that I could learn from Dr. Jasz who is a real ocean of knowledge about life and spirituality” Her sessions are enlightening. She has a solution for everything and all her programs are life changing.
Michelle G. (Business Owner)
“Being earning a high income I was struggling in financial and relationship areas. I discussed my problems with Jasz and she explained that we have Karmic Blueprints in the areas that we suffer from which we need to remove from our energy system.
After joining Master Y0ur Destiny program I could see major changes in my life. Jasz introduced me some powerful techniques and the Laws of Nature that helped me a lot. I am grateful that I could join this program as the program is completely based on Science and spirituality”.
Prof. Lawrence P.
Life has never been easy for me. I had a abused childhood by my step Father. Self confidence has always been an issue throughout life. I made so many mistakes in my teens and adult age and the guilt I had been carrying for long was killing me from inside.
Being a doctor myself I could not help myself. A friend of mine suggested to take spiritual help and fortunately I met Jasz. She helped me to get out of the situation. I really recommend her as a Mentor if you want to make difference in your life.
Dr. Robert Gray (General Physician)
Master Your Destiny is a coaching program which is a combination of scientific and spiritual techniques.
The Master Your Destiny program covers all areas of human life such as health, wealth, happiness and spirituality. You will learn the tools and techniques to heal your situations and help you to create the life you want.
We do understand market is flooded with variety of personal development programs. Master Your Destiny is very unique program as it teaches to create balance in both materialistic and spiritual world. This hidden secret is based on the ancient wisdom. Nature has some fixed laws and principles which apply everywhere in the whole Universe. The same laws and principles also apply to human life. The program includes life skills, blockage clearing techniques and mindset training.
The results are in your hands because everyone is different and use the resources differently. If you apply the exact techniques the way they are being taught, you will start getting the results immediately.
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