Karma Healing

What Is Karma?
Karma means action, work, or deed. The term also refers to the scientific principle of cause and effect, often spiritually called the principle of karma, wherein intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect): good intent and good deeds contribute to good karma and happier rebirths, while bad intent and bad deeds contribute to bad karma and bad rebirths. Karma healing and cleansing program will give you the whole understanding of Karma so that a person can live prosperous and abundant life.
karmic Debt
Karmic debt is the patterns in your life that are being repeated and they are typically unresolved issues in your life. For example, you could be constantly struggling with money, sabotaging your relationships, or avoiding responsibilities in your life. According to numerology, your karmic debt is associated with the cyclical nature of the universe and everything in it, including your birth and rebirth cycles. Karma healing and cleansing helps to free your self from karmic debt.
A karmic debt is determined by the actions you have taken and the decisions you have made either in your current or previous life that have given you negative karma. Here are a few examples of actions that may cause someone to bring a karmic debt into their current lifetime.
- Abusing one’s power or authority in a previous life
- Committing murder or arson in a previous life
- Being unfaithful to a partner in a previous life
- Refusing to forgive someone in a previous life
- Taken money from someone and did not return it
Of course, karmic debt can be accrued by performing any of these types of destructive actions during your current life, as well. Even still, the result is that you carry the spiritual consequences of these terrible acts into your subsequent lifetimes, where the same destructive patterns tend to repeat themselves on a new state.
Break Free From Karma

Is it possible to break free from negative Karma in one life time? The answer is Yes! BUT if you have a profound knowledge of Law of karma. Deeper understanding of the law of Karma will help you to live abundant and fulfilling life. Tragedy of human life is everyone wants quick fix for their problems but the truth is there is no such quick fixes available in the Universe. Everything has a gestation period. Child takes 9 months to born. As you grow slowly, you will go too far and flip side of this is as you try to go fast, you will be exhausted soon and chances are to give up in the middle of your journey.
Sadhguru explains beautifully the journey of spirituality and Karma, “The faster you go, everything becomes a blur and you can not take your eyes off what are you doing for a moment. If you want to enjoy the countryside, you must go easy and slow. If you are in a hurry to reach your destination, you gas it. You see nothing. You are just going, so it is ok. Is this alright? If it is not alright, you can go at the evolutionary pace. May be it will take a million years and you will get there.
For those who are in a hurry, there is one kind of path. For those who are not in a hurry, there is another kind of path. You must be clear about what you want. If you get onto the fast track and try to go slow, you will be run over. If you are on the slow path and try to go fast, you will get a ticket. Every seeker must always decide-does he want to just enjoy the road or does he want to get to the destination quick.?”
Karma Healing And Cleansing Program
Karma Healing and Cleansing program is 12 weeks program which will give you deeper understanding of Law of Karma. Karma can be healed and balanced when you take the responsibility of your life instead blaming God and others for your sufferings. You learn the lessons and grow spiritually. The Karma healing and cleansing mentoring program is based on intensive knowledge of the Law of Karma and its corresponding laws that govern our life. After completing the program you will have enough understanding and tools to live happy and prosperous life and not to accumulate more negative karma.
Sessions include:
- Karmic Reading
- Aura Cleansing
- Understanding of Law Of Karma
- Chakra Healing and Balancing
- Root chakra activation
- Soul Activation, and
- Karma Healing sessions