Karma Cleansing And Healing

Every religion talks about Karma today. Buddhists call it “KARMA”, Christians call it “DEEDS”, Taoists call it “TE”, and other spiritual beings call it “VIRTUE”. These are the different names for the same thing. The reason for suffering in our lives is due to negative karma or bad deeds accumulated in this or in any of our previous lives. Therefore whatever positive and negative we get in this life is the result of our Karma. Karma cleansing and healing are possible when you understand the theory of Karma.
No one can escape from the effects of karma, all we have to pay our debts in this life or in the next life. Karma is a Sanskrit word that means ‘deeds’ or ‘actions’. According to the Vedas, if we sow goodness, we will reap goodness; if we sow evil, we will reap evil. Karma is a common concept in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. But in Western countries, people also do believe in Karma.
Do you want to know the answers of these questions?
What is the cause of the inequality that exists among mankind?
Why should one person be brought up in the lap of luxury, endowed with fine mental, moral, and physical qualities, and another in absolute poverty, steeped in misery?
Why should one person be a mental prodigy, and another an idiot?
Why should one person be born with saintly characteristics and another with criminal tendencies?
Why suffering from life-threatening diseases and others enjoy good health?
Why should some be linguistic, artistic, mathematically inclined, or musical from the very cradle?
Why should others be congenitally blind, deaf, or deformed?
Why should some be blessed, and others cursed from birth?
Why sibling’s life is different from each other?

The answer to these questions is reactions to our actions, and every cause has its own effect. We only reap what we have sown. Whatever we get in this life according to our good or bad Karma.
What is Karma?

Karma is a central concept in Eastern religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism. Karma is also known in Western culture. People believe in good or bad deeds around the world. Good deeds create good Karma and evil deeds create negative Karma. Karma’s effect can manifest immediately, later in life, or after multiple lifetimes. Some religions view karma as the law that governs reincarnation, others believe that karma is actual particulate matter, something that gets stuck to the soul and must be removed through acts of piety. Karma healing will help you to improve your current situation.
Spiritually, as well as physically, the type and quality of seeds one plants will determine the quality of the crop to be harvested. As souls, what we do comes back to us according to God’s design. If we have imbalances in our consciousness (known as karmic debts), we either find ourselves presented with the same lesson again and again within one lifetime until we gain the wisdom and value of the lesson being presented, or we re-embody, carrying the karma over from one lifetime till the next. Spirit is forever patient with our process of learning.
Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment, or reward, but reaping the harvest we have planted, through our thoughts and behaviors, we sow seeds that are later harvested.
When karma comes present in our lives, it is because we are being given the opportunity to reap our harvest. There is no such thing as a good harvest or a bad harvest. It is just our harvest. It is our opportunity to make different choices in life than those that caused our karmic accrual in the first place. Karma is at once the consequence of past actions and the opportunity for healing and balancing in the present. It is a balancing act that offers us chances through life circumstances, situations, and relationships to learn important spiritual lessons.
The effects of Karma may be evident either in the short term or in the long term. At death we have to leave everything behind- our property and our loved ones, but our Karma will accompany us like a shadow. The Buddha has said that nowhere on earth or in heaven can one escape one’s karma. So when the conditions are correct, dependent upon mind and body, the effects of karma will manifest themselves just as dependent on certain conditions a mango will appear on a mango tree.
We can see that even in the world of nature certain effects take longer to appear than others. If for instance, we plant the seed of a papaya, we will obtain the fruit of papaya, not anything else. At death we have to leave everything behind- our property, belongings, and our loved ones, but our Karma will accompany us like a shadow.
The Buddha has said that nowhere on earth or in heaven can one escape one’s karma. So when the conditions are correct, and depend upon mind and body, the effects of karma will manifest themselves just as dependent on certain conditions a mango will appear on a mango tree. We can see that even in the world of nature certain effects take longer to appear than others. If for instance, we plant the seed of a papaya, we will obtain the fruit in a shorter period than if we plant the seed of a durian. Similarly, the effects of karma manifest either in the short term or in the long term.
As we sow, we reap somewhere and sometime, in this life or in a future birth. What we reap today is what we have sown either in the present or in the past.
“According to the seed that’s sown,
So is the fruit you reap therefrom,
Doer of goodwill gather good,
Doer of evil, evil reaps,
Down is the seed and thou shalt taste
The fruit thereof.”
Can Karma Be Healed?
Yes! karma can be healed with the understanding of the Law of Karma which is completely based on the Scientific law of Cause and Effect. When you learn lessons in certain areas you move on to the next journey. Patience, gratitude, love, and incorporating Universal laws can help you to live life peacefully. Karmic blueprints in the areas of Health, Money, Relationships, Career, and Spirituality need to be removed from your “Book of Life”. When you clear these blueprints ask for forgiveness from the Universe and take responsibility for your life, you will be in harmony.
Benefits Of Karma Healing
The major benefit of Karma Clearing is that one can get rid of bad or negative karma (if a person is willing to do so) accumulated in this life or any of the previous lives. Other benefits are:-
- Sense of peace, tranquility, and happiness
- The feeling of lightness, calmness, free of guilt, anger
- Finances and relationships improved
- Better Health
- Intuition increases and blessed life
- Negative thoughts and negativity removed
- Stress and depression eliminate
- Free from chronic and life-threatening diseases
- Spiritual growth
- Unblock all blockages
Karma cleansing and healing depend on the volume of Karma. It may take time to heal and balance the Karma until you do not learn the lesson in the area of suffering.
Karma Cleansing And Healing Session/Coaching Program

You have two choices – walk on your journey alone learning lessons in life. The other one is to take the help of any Spiritual Mentor/Coach who has vast experience and knowledge in the area. Everybody has the right to make choices for himself/herself.
Karma cleansing and healing session and coaching program has been designed to remove the karmic blueprints which is the reason for suffering in the present life. The uniqueness of the karma clearing session and coaching program is that Jasz Koray is one of the Enlightened Spiritual seekers who is gifted with a sacred Karma symbol and Karma sacred code to guide people to heal karmic blueprints.
After completing the Karma Healing Coaching program you will have an understanding of the Universal Law of Karma that govern your life and you will learn the techniques which will bring you the results in all areas of your life.
Karma Cleansing And Healing Session
karma cleansing and Healing Session includes Aura Cleansing, Karmic Reading which is based on Karma, Chakra clearing and Karma Cleansing.
Karma Cleansing And Healing Mentoring Program
This is 12 sessions coaching program in which you will have intense knowledge of the Law Of Karma along with other corresponding laws which govern our life. All the Karmic Blueprints will be healed in the areas of sufferings.