Crystal Healing
Since the beginning of time, crystals have proven to be of great value to mankind. Crystal are used to increase wealth, popularity, longevity, relationships, and for power. They have curative powers as well as the power to pour in fortune and drive away evil. Certain crystals have the power of healing and fortune giving and have made life happier for many people. Crystal healing is the use of crystals to bring about healing and positive changes in the mind and body.
Crystal healing can help with relaxation, self-growth, stress reduction, increased self-confidence, heightened awareness and self-awareness, increased spirituality, and restore balance to mind, body and, spirit. Crystals also assist the body in shattering and throwing off that which is causing infection or disease.
The energies from crystals react from our aura of energy, energy in the area (office, home and, vehicle) and make the balance of energies. They create strong energy fields, which enable us to be charged with their energies; they activate our abilities, soothe and comfort, heal and balance through the purity and directness of their beams. This practice has been around for centuries.
What Is Crystal Healing?

Crystal healing is a form of healing that uses crystals or gemstones. The crystals are mainly placed in specific areas of the body called “chakras.” Chakra is a Hindu term meaning spiritual energy. According to this teaching, there are seven basic energy centers in the body, each having a color associated with it. Some crystal healers place the same color crystals as the color of the chakras on the person to enhance the flow of energy.
Crystals are said to direct the flow of energy to the person in a particular part of the body and bring balance to a person’s energy. Ultimately, they are used to cleanse the person from bad or negative energy believed to cause an illness. Clearing out the bad spiritual energy alleviates the physical ailment. Crystals are used for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. Not only do people visit “crystal healers”, but in some places, professional nurses are being trained to use crystals for their patients.

Properties Of The Crystals
Clear Quartz – This is the most readily available and commonly used crystal in the world. It’s a versatile crystal with many uses. It attunes itself based on your energy needs and raises your energy to the highest possible level. Ancient cultures used clear quartz for healing and it is still the most frequently used crystal today. It is found in modern devices like computers, televisions, and phones. Quartz amplifies energy and is used because it absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy.
Rose Quartz – This crystal is the stone of unconditional love. It’s a heart-based stone and promotes deep love of yourself and others. It provides a calming, restful, peaceful energy that restores calm, balance, and clarity to your emotions.
This stone can be used to heal emotional wounds and can open your heart to all types of love – love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love. Because it is a type of quartz, Rose Quartz does have a high energy, but it’s also calming and soothing. If you’re looking for a crystal to help support you with relationships, letting go of judgment, or supporting you in dealing with your inner critic and letting go of negative self talk, this is the stone for you.
Amethyst – Has strong healing powers and enhances spiritual awareness. Amethyst also has great cleansing powers, it blocks negativity and promotes serenity. Amethyst is extremely beneficial to the mind and it will calm or stimulate your mind as needed to help you focus. It is a powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. During meditation, it helps to release your mind from your everyday tasks so you can deepen into your practice.
As a spiritual stone, it can help you to develop your divinely inspired wisdom, intuition, and psychic gifts. Aside from its beauty, amethyst is also very powerful. If you feel called to this stone, definitely add this to your collection and see how the energy speaks to you. Amethyst clears blockages in Crown Chakra in crystal healing sessions.
Citrine – Known as the stone of abundance, citrine attracts wealth, abundance, and overall good luck. The energy of citrine is happy and abundant, it encourages sharing while helping you to hold onto the wealth you’ve already generated. Because citrine is a stone of happiness and joy, it will help you to overcome fears & depression by opening you to new experiences that draw out confidence and your inherent wisdom. It absorbs, grounds, and dissipates negative energy so it is extremely protective. This is one of the crystals that never need cleansing or recharging and can be stored with other crystals to help clear their energy.
Cleansing Your Crystals

Crystals also need to be cleaned when you bring them home for the first time. Once you’ve got them home, as you use them they absorb your energy & the energy of the environment around them. From time to time they need to be cleansed. By cleaning your crystals you are restoring them to their natural energetic state. Restoring your crystals allow them to function and assist your energetic needs. You may also hear about clearing and recharging crystals. There are many different ways to clean crystals. Cleanse your crystals after every crystal healing session.
Methods To Cleanse The Crystals
Running water
Smudge your crystals with the sacred smoke of sage
Wash them with Himalayan Salt water
Put your crystals in Big Crystal Rock if you have
Sound Healing (Use a singing bowl, a tuning fork, or a bell)
Programming of the Crystals
Although crystals are said to have innate healing properties, taking the time to set an intention for your stone can help you connect with its energy and restore your own sense of purpose. You may feel comfortable holding the stone in your hand as you meditate or placing it on your third eye. You can also lay back and allow the stone to rest on the corresponding chakra, or area of body that you wish to work with. Envision the stone’s energy merging with your own. Speak to the stone — silently or verbally — and ask for assistance in working through your current situation.