Chakra Awakening

What Are Chakras?

Chakra is a Sanskrit name that means “Wheel or Disc”, There are 7 major Chakras and many minor chakras in the body. They are the energy centers that receive, assimilate, and express life force energy. They are responsible for the person’s physical, mental, and spiritual functions. They absorb and transmit energies to and from the universe, nature, celestial entities, people, and even objects. Chakra Awakening along with healing and balancing is required to live a healthy, wealthy, and prosperous life.
Functions of the 7 Chakras
Each chakra has a vital role to play in the physical body. The function of the chakras is to spin and draw in this energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health of the body in balance. Chakra Awakening helps to attract positive results in your life.
Chakras add a lot of color to our lives. Each chakra is associated with a color found on the rainbow. They add a fun, new dimension in which we can better understand ourselves and relate to our surrounding environment. Your body is a well of wisdom and by diving into this ancient system you can better understand yourself and lead a bright life filled with optimal vitality. Here are the Chakras in order.

Root Chakra
Root Chakra is a very powerful center of energy. It is related to survival and materialistic needs, finances, and security. The color of the chakra is Red. This chakra is located at the base of the coccyx. When this chakra is balanced we feel stable, safe, supported, and grounded. This chakra is located at the base of the coccyx. It is associated with the element of earth. It is related to our basic survival needs (food, water, shelter, air, etc.) and our physical bodies interacting with nature. When this chakra is balanced we feel stable, safe, supported and grounded.
Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is the center of creativity, happiness, joy, and sexuality. The color of the chakra is Orange. This chakra is located above the pubic bone and below the navel. This chakra is located above the pubic bone and below the navel. It is associated with the element of water. It is the home of our sense of self. At this energetic center we experience creativity, sexuality, playfulness, joy, abundance and a connection to desire. Through a strong sense of desire we are able to pursue our passions and go with the ebb and flow of life.
Solar Plexus Chakra
This is the center of your power. This chakra is located above navel. The color of this chakra is Yellow. It is associated with the element of fire. It is the home of our personal power, motivation, will and ability to manifest our deepest desires. It controls our digestion where we transform nourishment into valuable energy for the body.
Heart Chakra
This chakra located at the center of the chest and governs our heart, lungs, and arms. It is associated with the element of air. It relates to our feelings of love, compassion, forgiveness, connection, and understanding. This is where the physical and spiritual chakras intersect. The color of this chakra is Green.
Throat Chakra
This is the chakra of communication and speaking the Truth. The color of this chakra is Sky Blue. This chakra is located at the base of the throat governing our mouth, jaw, ears, and neck. It is associated with the element of space or ether. This chakra is the home of our communication and is the place for purification as it also presides over the thyroid, which balances our hormones and keeps our immune system healthy. When this chakra is open we communicate clearly with authenticity and practice intuitive listening.
Third Eye Chakra
This Chakra is associated with your intuition, wisdom, intellect, knowledge, understanding, and imagination and located between the eyebrows and governs your pituitary gland, lower brain, eyes, and skull. The color of this chakra is Indigo. An open sixth chakra may experience lucid dreaming or moments of clairvoyance. You feel guided, able to trust in the process of life and believe your presence is an integral part of the fabric of life.
Crown Chakra
This chakra connects us to a divine source, God, or universal consciousness. Also known as the thousand-petaled lotus that rests on the seat of the head. The color of this chakra is violet. When this chakra is open we feel the flow of energy fill our body and connect us to all other beings on this planet.
What happens when Chakra is not balanced?
When one or more Chakra is not in balance, one can fall sick, have relationship problems, financial hardships, and job and career problems, moreover emotional and spiritual growth stops or slows down. One can be surrounded by negativity, stress, depression, and anxiety. Chakra awakening heals all the lower emotions.
In the philosophies of yoga and Ayurveda, the chakras play an important role in understanding the human system, “like increases like” and “opposites balance.” This means that if you already have excess heat in your body (in the forms of anger or indigestion) and you add more heat (like a warm day or spicy food), you may feel even more heat and agitation than you already do—like increases. On the other hand, if you add the opposite to that equation and take a cold shower or eat some fresh fruit, you may feel better and more in balance—opposites balance.

Why chakra/chakras become low in energy?
The reasons for Chakra blockages are negative attitude, negative thoughts, childhood trauma, mental and physical abuse, excessive addictions, overeating, bad deeds, excessive meat food, watching violent and horror programs and movies, having fears, phobias, insecurities, ego, jealous, lust, greed, anger, and revengeful nature, etc.
The imbalance of a chakra can manifest itself on a physical and on emotional level. Most people experience these symptoms without even being aware of them. The key to healing chakras is to learn to listen to your mind and body and accept that physical or mental ailments are messages from your body trying to tell you something. They shouldn’t just be ignored. Listen to the signs so you can work towards healing.
Why do we need Chakra Awakening?
All our materialistic, emotional, physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual needs are associated with these chakras. When the energy does not flow properly in any of these Chakra it becomes low in energy and stops functioning. That’s why we need to heal and balance them to let flow the energy harmoniously. The Chakra Awakening program helps you to unblock the blockages. Chakras are the window of the Soul.
How does Program work?
The 7 Chakra Sessions program has been designed to Awaken the Chakras along with healing and balancing. One can join this program for 7 Days altogether or once a week for 7 weeks. Chakra Awakening will help you to clear the lower energies from the Chakras.
We use the REAL technique to heal, balance, and awaken the Chakra which was used by the YOGIS and Spiritual Seekers described in Vedic Scriptures.