Activate Wealth And Happiness Code

happiness and wealth

Embark on a transformative odyssey with our Activate  Wealth and Happiness Code Coaching Program, where ancient wisdom meets modern aspirations. Are you ready to decode the secrets hidden within the language of numbers, unraveling the blueprint of your soul and harnessing the potent energies that reside within you? This is your invitation to align with the universe, clear the path to prosperity, and awaken the dormant forces that lead to a life of boundless joy and financial abundance.

Happiness Or Wealth?

Look at your computer’s keyboard, a marvel of design with numbers, alphabets, and symbols. Yet, beyond the keys you press lies a complex “circuit”—a hidden realm where information is coded, deciphered only by experts and software engineers. This intricate coding language forms the foundation of your digital interactions, shaping the outcomes you experience.

In a similar fashion, our lives have their own intricate “Spiritual Circuit” within our consciousness. It’s a vast space where the energies of happiness and wealth are coded, lying dormant and waiting to be awakened. Decoding this spiritual circuit is the key to activating the wealth and happiness code within you. To unravel these hidden potentials, we must embrace our spiritual essence, delving into the depths where all the wisdom and prosperity are intricately encoded. Just as an expert deciphers a complex code, understanding this spiritual language empowers us to unlock the true abundance and joy that await within.

What is Activate Wealth And Happiness Code?

Wealth and happiness

The science of numbers called Numerology. Numerology is a belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. We all have certain numbers in our date of birth that we are born with. Every number has it’s relation with certain areas in our life such as relationship, money, health, success, happiness, peace and spirituality.

At the heart of our exploration lies numerology, the fascinating science of numbers. Numerology delves into the mystical and divine relationship between numbers and the concurrent events in our lives. Each of us possesses a unique set of numbers derived from our date of birth, and within these numbers resides a profound connection to various aspects of our existence—relationships, finances, health, success, happiness, peace, and spirituality. All numbers 0-9 are activated in Activate Wealth and Happiness Code program.


These numerical energies lie dormant, allowing us to undergo specific life lessons associated with each number. However, when we embark on the journey of activating these dormant energies, a transformative shift occurs. The Activate Happiness and Wealth Code program has been meticulously crafted for this very purpose—to awaken the slumbering energies within our spiritual circuit.

Just as a key turns within a lock, activating these energies sets off a magnetic pull towards prosperity and abundance. Our program guides you through this intricate process, helping you tap into the potential encoded within your unique numerical signature. As the energies within you stir and come to life, you become a beacon, attracting the richness and fulfillment that the universe has destined for you.

How Spiritual Coding System Work?

Numbers are sacred and powerful. They have deep connection in our life. Numbers are the Matrix through which the essence of spirit flows through our Universe. Even before the highly digitized world we live in today, numbers were found everywhere, in science, astronomy, music, art and mathematics.

Much like Leonardo Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, numbers form the foundation of everything found in nature. Every single moment of every single day, number patterns are swirling all around you. The chair you’re sitting on, the coffee you’re drinking, the air you are breathing… All matter and energy vibrate at a specific frequency and carries a hidden numerical code.

Every number has a Soul and certain power which is expressed both by its symbol to denote its representation and by its connection to Universal principles. Numbers have relationships with all things in nature, thus making them supremely powerful symbolic expressions.

What are Missing Codes?

To activate wealth and happiness code first, you have to find out the missing codes in your life, for that you need to check your date of birth. You will see some of the numbers are missing and some numbers are present in the birth chart but not active.

Let’s say if relationship number (no. 2) is present but still you are having problems in relationship area; money number (no. 4) is present but struggle for money has always been there. Health problems are there. It means happiness and wealth codes are not active in the circuit of your consciousness.

To check missing numbers, see your date of birth. For example in March 25, 1978 (3-2-5-1-9-7-8) numbers are present and missing numbers are 4 and 6. It means person has to learn the lessons in the missing number areas. But still you need to activate all numbers 0 through nine because every numbers has its own importance.

Activate Wealth and Happiness Code
Why These numbers Are Dormant?

The slumbering energies within our numerical code persist in their dormancy primarily to allow us the opportunity to learn vital life lessons related to specific areas. Life presents us with a series of situations and circumstances, each designed to impart wisdom and growth within the domains associated with these numbers—be it relationships, finances, health, success, happiness, peace, or spirituality. Patience is essential as we navigate through the intricate tapestry of life, seeking to comprehend and internalize these lessons.

However, a significant factor that contributes to the dormancy of these energies is trauma, a deeply impactful presence often stored within the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra is intricately linked to our primal survival needs and serves as the foundation of our being. Trauma, in its various forms, can create a blockage within this vital energy center, hindering the free flow and activation of the associated energies. It is through recognizing, addressing, and healing these traumas that we pave the way for the awakening and activation of our dormant energies, aligning us with the abundant and prosperous journey that awaits.

Do You have any Trauma stored in your Soul energy?​

To find out trauma energies, first, you have to understand what the trauma is? And how it can affect your life. Any incident or situation that happened in the past but still bothers you and emotionally you are disturbed. There are different types of traumas such as Bullying, early childhood trauma, community violence, family violence, accident, failure, disasters, abusive relationships, sexual, and mental abuse, grief, separation, divorce, rejection, abandonment, medical trauma, life-threatening disease, blackmailing, financial trauma, and bankruptcy, etc. If traumatic energies are not cleared from the Root Chakra it can activate the body’s fight and flight response. Sometimes things even may trigger after a long time and some of the trauma is not diagnosed clinically.

Activate Wealth and Happiness Code

Process of Activating the Codes

In 12-weeks Activate Wealth and Happiness Code program, immerse yourself in the profound and potent realm of numbers, each holding an unparalleled vibrancy and force. With expert guidance, we will navigate the depths of these numbers, awakening and activating their dormant energies within your consciousness. As the harmonious convergence of numbers unfolds within you, a magnetic transformation begins to shape your reality.

Once these slumbering energies stir, prepare for an extraordinary shift. Positivity will become your constant companion, drawing in favorable people and situations effortlessly. The tides of wealth will flow abundantly towards you, unrestricted by circumstance. Regardless of the scenario, happiness will become an innate part of your being.

Upon completing the Activation Wealth and Happiness Code program, you will be bestowed with the “Model of the Universe”—an enigmatic key to the secrets that govern the cosmos. This formidable tool will empower you to perpetually manifest positive outcomes, embracing a life embellished with prosperity, joy, and the boundless secrets of the universe at your fingertips. 

Why Happiness is Important?

What does happiness mean to you? Most people say, ” When I will earn more money, I’ll be happy. When I have the right partner, I will be happy. When I get the promotion I’ll be more happier.” It means you have to wait to be happy until you achieve your goals. Why not find happiness ‘now’. You chase happiness, and wealth will follow you. Here I am talking about wealth not only in terms of money but overall wealth that includes a healthy, peaceful, harmonious, and abundant life. Happy people are more healthier, wealthier, and successful in their lives than unhappy people. Just imagine, delicious food is on the table but your mood is not good and you won’t be able to enjoy the food. And if you are happy you will enjoy your food more. In the same way, you will live your life more joyfully if you are happy from the inside. 

Activate Wealth and Happiness Code Program is 12 weeks Group Coaching Program.

Activation of all the numbers 0-9. Trauma will be cleared from Root Chakra because this is one of the most important and powerful chakra which is associated with all the survival needs, career, finances etc. If any trauma (physical, emotional, and mental), is stored in the Root Chakra, growth of a person slows down on the physical plane and may feel stuck. Activation of the Chakras along with healing and balancing and Understanding of numbers included.

The Instrument of Wealth and Happiness which is called Model Of the Universe will be introduced to you. When you meditate on this instrument you will attract more abundance in life. More intense knowledge about the laws will be covered which is the panacea for everything.

Pre-requisite for the program is completion of Master Your Destiny or Karmic Healing Coaching program. 

We all have some form of traumas stored in our energy system. But if you think you don’t have any trauma still you can join this program for more blessed life.

The program is on 50% discount (Actual Cost $6999). Your investment is $3499+Tax

Yes! Financing is available for the program. Some conditions may apply. 

Activate Wealth And Happiness Code Program is Amazing

It is amazing program. I never heard before about the activation of the numbers. This is one of the best investment I have made in myself. Dr. Jasz is very knowledgable and enlightened being. ​
Happy Soul
I had a problem to get along with my family and friends. I had a feeling of unworthiness and lots of misunderstandings with people and could not figure out why it is happening to me. In this program I unblocked all my blockages in relationship and money area. I am grateful to Jasz for helping me out.
Happy Woman
Crystal Roy
Activating wealth and happiness program is very unique program in which I understood the importance of the numbers. After decoding the number codes I joined my dream job and attracting good things.
Happy Woman