Dr. Jasz Koray
My mission is to ignite a global transformation and revolutionary change in human lives, unveiling the Universe’s hidden secrets to alleviate human suffering and foster a new era of enlightenment.



Spiritual Scientist
My Journey From an Entrepreneur to Spiritual Seeker
Dr. Jasz Koray is the founder of Divine Order Healing Centre. She has been serving humanity for more than 20 years as a Spiritual Scientific Coach/Healer/Mentor/Teacher. She is also the author of a book “Abundant Life-Small Efforts Can Change Your Life”.
Professional Life:- Jasz had started her career as an Interior Decorator and got recognition in the field but after 14 years of career she realized that she was not destined for this, her purpose is something else as she always felt drawn to help humanity as a social worker and she started her spiritual journey for self growth in 2000. At the same time she also started working as a Spiritual Healer and learned various therapies.
Academic Qualifications:- Doctorate in M.Sc. (USA), Master in Economics and Master in Human Rights and Duties. Certification in Yoga and Health.
Alternative Medicine Studies:- Reiki Mastership, Color Therapy, EFT, Crystal Healing, Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Candle Therapy, Feng Shui, Vaastu Shastra, and Angel Therapy.
How Jasz became a Spiritual Mentor?
Turning Point In Life:- Jasz’s childhood and adulthood spent enjoying the riches of life. She says, “I have come from very humble beginnings seeing my Mother helping needy and poor people all the time. My life changed when my mother was diagnosed with Cancer of advanced stage at the age of 46 and during her treatment I had seen many people old and young were suffering from the diseases including children and I was upset to see them going through the pain of needles and blood transfusion. One after another tragedies started happening.”
In 2003 another incident changed her life when her 27 years old brother passed away with an unnatural death and left the family in grief. In 2006, her mother left for heavenly abode, believing in the law of the Universe that we cannot go against the law of nature, and we all know that death and birth are a cycle of life. It is not a place to mention that a medical expert opined that her mother could not survive more than a year or so, but she survived for five years. Then Jasz started her spiritual journey as a healer and Teacher. This was the time when she started discovering more about the Universe.
Further Jasz talks about her father who worked very hard throughout his life to provide the family a luxurious life, but in spite of all his kindness and patience he got a heart condition and Parkinson. He also left for heavenly abode in 2014. She said, “Meaning of life has completely changed for me. Going through all this emotional pain I started searching for the answers to why so many sufferings are there in every area of human life. What is life? What is the purpose of our life? How can suffering be reduced?” These questions led her to explore more about spirituality and found out that all blockages in life are spiritual lessons.
Research Work:- Dr. Jasz conducted research in spiritual area to find out the reasons for human sufferings and the result was the discovery of Universal laws that govern our life. She calls it the Formula Of Life. The moment she started using these laws everything changed drastically in her life. Another amazing research she conducted was about the Activation of Happiness and Wealth Code. She discovered very powerful energy healing tools and techniques to help people to heal themselves with Sacred Soul and Karma Symbol and Code. This is not the end of her story, at present more advanced level research work she is doing.
Work With Me

My expertise is in coaching and mentoring, dedicated to helping individuals achieve their goals in health, finances, success, happiness, and relationships.
As a corporate Mentor, I conduct transformative workshops for the corporate sector, boosting productivity and delivering motivational speeches at various events.
Additionally, with my extensive knowledge of Natural business laws, I empower entrepreneurs and business owners to scale their ventures effectively.
Research Projects
Dr. Jasz has already discovered many hidden secrets of the Universe such as Universal Laws that govern our life, Soul symbol, Soul Code etc. Jasz is doing research in the spiritual field to know the hidden secrets of the Universe.
Spiritual DNA Activation

We all have Spiritual DNA which is perfect. But all the information in our consciousness is coded that needs to be decoded. When we activate the dormant energies, we grow spiritually and vibrate on a higher frequency. I am researching the techniques to awaken the Spiritual DNA to change the vibration of the sick body so that new cells/energies can be generated within the body and soul.
Awaken Subconscious Mind

Subconscious Mind is a very powerful tool given to the human being. But unfortunately a person’s life is driven by the conscious mind which is a physical mind. If a person strives to awaken the subconscious mind which is the power house of all the memories, you can awaken your subconscious mind to the fullest. Studies are done on the Subconscious mind but not many techniques are discovered. This is my effort to find out an affective techniques to awaken the subconscious mind.