Navigating Loss with Compassion and Resilience - Embracing Positivity and Finding Hope in the Journey of Loss

Grief Healing

Grief is a natural and normal response to loss, which can take many forms. It is a complex emotion that can be triggered by a variety of events, such as the death of a loved one, a pet, the end of a relationship, divorce, or a major life change such as a job loss, retirement, or a serious illness.

Grief Healing Support

What is Grief?

Grief can manifest in different ways for different people. Some common emotional responses to grief include sadness, anger, guilt, shock, denial, and loneliness. Grief can also have physical effects, such as fatigue, appetite changes, and difficulty sleeping.

Grief is a highly individual and personal experience, and there is no “right” way to grieve. Some people may find comfort in talking with friends or family, while others may prefer to be alone with their thoughts. Some may find solace in spiritual or religious practices, while others may turn to Grief Healing, therapy or support groups for help.

The process of grieving is not linear and can be unpredictable. It can come in waves, and some days may be better than others. It is important to allow yourself to experience and process the emotions associated with grief, and to seek support and resources when needed. With time, most people are able to adjust to their loss and find ways to move forward.

Causes Of Grief

Grief is a natural response to loss and can arise from many different situations. Some common conditions that can lead to grief include:

Death of a loved ones

Losing a family member, friend, or pet can be a significant source of grief.

Divorce or breakup

The end of a relationship can cause feelings of grief, particularly if it is a long-term or meaningful relationship.

Job loss or unemployment

Losing a job or experiencing a significant change in employment can be a cause of grief.

Health problems

Dealing with a chronic illness, disability, or terminal illness can lead to feelings of grief, as individuals may be mourning the loss of their former health or abilities.

Miscarriage or infertility

Individuals who experience infertility or pregnancy loss may feel a sense of grief for the child they had hoped for.

Traumatic events

Experiencing a traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, war, or violent crime, can cause feelings of grief.

Major life transitions

Significant life changes, such as retirement, moving to a new city, or children leaving home, can also lead to feelings of grief and loss.

What Type Of Grief Are You Experiencing?

There are different types of grief that an individual may experience, depending on the circumstances surrounding the loss. Here are some common types of grief:

Anticipatory grief

Anticipatory loss often occurs in situations where a loved one is facing a terminal illness, a significant decline in health, or any other circumstance where death or separation is imminent.  

Complicated grief

Complicated grief is a type of grief that lasts longer than usual or is more severe, and may be accompanied by intense feelings of guilt, anger, or depression.

Disenfranchised grief

Disenfranchised grief is when an individual experiences a loss that is not recognized or acknowledged by society, such as the loss of a pet or a miscarriage.

Collective grief

Collective grief occurs when a group of people experiences a shared loss, such as a natural disaster or a tragedy that affects an entire community.

Chronic grief

Chronic grief is a type of grief that lasts for an extended period of time and may be characterized by ongoing feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or despair.

Masked grief

Masked grief occurs when an individual experiences symptoms of grief, such as physical or emotional symptoms, but does not realize that they are related to a loss.

Absent grief

Absent grief is when an individual does not experience any symptoms of grief after a loss, either because they are suppressing their feelings or if there is an underlying avoidance or denial of loss. 

It is important to remember that everyone’s experience of grief is unique, and therefore the type of grief that an individual may experience can vary widely depending on their specific circumstances and needs. Seeking support and resources can help individuals manage the different types of grief that they may experience.

Effects Of Grief


Grief can have mental, emotional, and physical effects on an individual. Some of the emotional effects of grief include:

  1. Sadness: This is often the most immediate and recognizable effect of grief. It can be intense and overwhelming, and may last for an extended period of time. Feeling sad at times is normal. However, when the sadness stays with you constantly in one form or another, is when you need to seek help. 

  2. Anger: Grief can also cause feelings of anger or frustration, whether it be directed at oneself, others, or the situation that caused the loss.

  3. Guilt: It is common for individuals to feel guilty after a loss, whether it be for things they did or didn’t do, or for not being able to prevent the loss.

  4. Shock or disbelief: It can be difficult to come to terms with the reality of a loss, and some individuals may experience feelings of shock or disbelief.

  5. Anxiety or fear: Grief can also cause feelings of anxiety or fear about the future, particularly if the loss was unexpected or sudden.

  6. Numbness or detachment: In some situations, grief can cause individuals to feel emotionally numb or disconnected from their emotions.

Grief can also have physical effects on the body, including:

  1. Fatigue: Grief can be physically exhausting, and individuals may feel tired or drained even after getting adequate rest.

  2. Changes in appetite or sleep patterns: Grief can cause changes in appetite, ranging from loss of appetite to overeating. It can also disrupt sleep patterns, causing difficulty falling or staying asleep.

  3. Headaches or muscle tension: Grief can cause physical tension in the body, leading to headaches or muscle pain.

  4. Weakened immune system: Prolonged grief can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illness or infection.

  5. Gut health: Studies show that gut health is linked to unbalanced mental and emotional health. 

New Age & Holistic Way Of Grief Healing

mind, body and soul

Program Overview
Online or In-person

We have adopted a new approach to healing individuals faster. Our approach combines scientific principles with holistic methods, providing clients with the best of both worlds. By targeting the mind, body, and soul together, we aim to provide comprehensive and effective support. Our goal is to find long-term solutions rather than just temporary fixes. Research has shown that healing from within is the best way to improve overall health and well-being. Any situation can be healed if it is accepted, understood, and addressed. The New Age approach to grief healing is focused on providing comprehensive support that fosters healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 

Grief Healing Sessions have 6 sessions which include the following;

  • Understanding Life – why do people grieve?
  • Spiritual Counselling
  • Engage in mind-body practices and creative therapies
  • Your Connection with the Spirit
  • Tools to make peace with loss and embrace transformation
  • Learn not to make these mistakes that mostly people do which can worsen the situations
  • Clearing worn out, and depressive energies