How Chakras Affect Us?

7 chakras

The seven chakras are points on the body through which energy flows. They are located along the spine. The first found at the base of the spine and the last one at the top of the head. Chakras are like a natural medicine for us, they balance out the energy in our body so we can be happy and healthy. They also regulate our emotions and thoughts which is why it is important to keep them balanced.

1. The balance of the Chakras is important because they affect our well being and state of mind.

2. They are hugely influential in our lives, everything from how we process emotions to how we react to our surroundings.

3. A strong Chakra will make us feel more confident and present in ourselves, while a weak Chakra can cause depression or anxiety.

4. You may feel stuck in some areas of your life. It also can cause pain and aches in the body, stress depression and anxiety are main symptoms.

What is Chakra Treatment?

Chakra Treatment has been created for self treatment to add in everyday’s life. In this fast paced life a person can’t go often to the therapist or energy healer even sometimes due to financial constraints can’t take sessions regularly, that’s why this powerful treatment has been created to help you to keep going.

This is not a general healing and balancing session it is literally a treatment which includes combination of techniques. If you have taken any session before in our centre that was chakra healing and balancing but this treatment is completely a new method of treating the chakras on your own which is very powerful.

Three Triangles Of Chakras

Root Chakra

First Triangle

Root Chakra, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakra is included in the first triangle which is called Lower triangle. This triangle should be balanced for earthly success. Rejection, low self confidence and esteem, financial struggle is connected with this triangle.

Heart Chakra

Second Triangle

Heart Chakra is the second triangle which remains closed due to unresolved emotions. This is the place where unforgiveness, anger, resentment, complaints, grudges etc. the lower feelings live. One may feel unsettled and off balance.

Crown chakra

Third Triangle

Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra and Crown Chakra are included in the third triangle. This triangle is all about the person's connection to the Higherself. This triangle is closed due to doubts and judgements towards self and others and not trusting God/Universe.

Myths About Chakras

Divine flower

Are Chakras blocked?

Most of the practitioners say Chakras are blocked. The reality is they are never blocked, they can be low in energy, underactive or overactive which causes imbalance in the body. Think about internet connection with low frequency, it does not download anything if it does, it takes long.


Done once, healed forever

Most of people say, "yes, I had got my chakras balanced 2-3 years ago or even longer than that, now I feel I need it again." This is completely wrong way of thinking, this is just like you eat food once and don't need for a week. Food gives you energy to stay fit and healthy. Energy in the chakras makes your mind, body and soul healthy.

Divine flower

I don't need Expert Advise

I can heal my chakras on my own by watching youtube videos, reading books etc. No doubt, you can! but if you have a knowledge and right tools. These resources are good to enhance your knowledge but Importance of experts and teachers can never be replaced. Expert advice will help you to figure things out easily.

Root Chakra is Most Powerful Chakra

Chakra Healing is a very popular in the New Age movement as it relies on an individual’s energy centers or chakras, which are believed to be sources of spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. All Chakras are important and play it’s role in our life. But Root chakra is the most important chakra in our body. The reason for that it is associated with the survival on the physical plane. It governs our sense of identity and financial security, and ensures we feel grounded and safe. If it’s too low, we might struggle with feelings of inadequacy or helplessness, back pain, and financial struggles; if it’s too high, aggressive behaviour or tiredness can be seen; if it’s balanced, we’ll feel grounded, safe, secure and able to connect with others without fear or judgement. Why Energies are dormant in Chakras? Most of the time energies remain dormant in the chakras because of trauma, abuse (physical and emotional), feelings of guilt, anger, hatred, fears, and other negative life situations.

What is included in the Treatment?

How To Use The Treatment?

Chakra Treatment has been created in 3 parts. You can use one at a time or all of them together. Use this treatment everyday for 40 days in the beginning for better results, after that 3-4 times a week would work or whenever you want. 

Chakra Treatment: You can do this treatment any time and anyday. You will be guided through the steps in the video. You need 10-15 minutes from your routine. 

Chakra Mantras: Chakra Mantras are more powerful chants. When these mantras are chanted it will generate new energy in the Chakras. 

Chakra Subliminal Images: These are special coloring images which are created with hidden positive messages to speak with the Chakras and put positive energy in them. When these images are colored you will release the blockages from the chakras and heal them.

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